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Retailing (National 5) provides a broad introduction to the sector and provides learners with the practical skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to work in retailing. The programme will develop practical retail knowledge, including learning the understanding of the workplace, employee's responsibility, awareness of health and safety at work, interview skills and customer care skills. Employability skills including self-evaluation skills, confidence to set goals, reflect and learn from experience, ICT skills, collaborative working and communication skills.

During the programme there are numerous opportunities for pupils to partake in practical learning activities including mock interviews, monthly pop-up bake sales, gathering primary data at retail outlets, role play scenarios and the planning and implementation of a retail event.

Due to the programme being held at West Lothian College this gives pupils the opportunity to learn in a different environment with pupils from other schools. Also, the location of the large retail outlets in close proximity to the college allows for pupils to partake in practical learning tasks using the retail outlets as a learning tool.


Feedback from pupils:

"The interview skills helped me to get a part time job." S5 Pupil

"I feel  my confidence has improved and now know I am capable of helping customers and being an asset to the team." S5 Pupil

"I have really enjoyed doing this course and it has given me the confidence to apply and secure a part time job in retail. I was finding school really hard but by coming out for one day a week to college and working with other pupils I am now getting on better in school and I am staying on for S6." S5 Pupil.


Qualifications/Awards Achieved


Successful completion of the course will result in a Retailing National 5, accredited by SQA.


Progression Routes


The employability skills developed on completion of the programme should help the young people to reach a positive destination after school. Young people can use this qualification to assist in obtaining a job/modern apprenticeship in the retail sector.