consequential thinking


Young people are selected through the referral process and come together to form the consequential thinking group. Once the group has been identified the young people together with the facilitators identify issues or concerns they wish to explore which may include one or more of the following:

- Considering impacts of offending, risk taking or anti-social behaviour on themselves their family and the wider community

- Reflecting on how to sustain and maintain healthy relationships with peers groups, family and school

- Considering the importance of sexual health and looking at self-esteem and self-worth

- Reflecting on the impact of drug and alcohol use

- Problem solving in relation to topical issues that young people are experiencing in day to day life


Qualifications/Awards Achieved

The consequential thinking group is designed to allow the participants to gain a better understanding of themselves and others and the world around them. The programme empowers the young people and supports them to engage in their education provision through positive choices and solution focused approaches. The programme instils self-respect, self-worth and respect for others to allow the young person to develop a clearer understanding of situations they may face and the choices they then make for a more positive outcome.


Progression Routes

After successful completion of the Consequential Thinking Programme, the facilitators will then, in discussion with the young person, refer them either onto other areas of the Inclusion and Wellbeing Service to continue to develop skills and self-confidence. The young person may feel at this point confident enough to sustain their mainstream provision with no further input from the Service.